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Our Treatments & Services

At Phyzique Multisport Movement Analysis Center we provide cutting edge services using state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat pain of all kinds.


Physical Therapy Evaluation

This one-on-one with a doctor of physical therapy will ensure you have enough time to explain your goals, be evaluated, and begin your plan of care.

Your physical therapist will perform a comprehensive movement assessment to test your strength, flexibility, range of motion, neuromuscular control, and overall functional movement. We use EMG biofeedback technology that ensures you learn exactly how to exercise and move so all the work you put in is effective. Being able to “see” your muscles work in real-time makes all the difference in your ability to get back to the activities you love. Through this thorough testing, the PT will pinpoint the cause of your pain and create an individualized plan to address it. By the end of your evaluation you will know exactly what is causing your issues AND you and your specialist will work together to create a specific plan that fits your timeline and goals.


Running Gait Analysis

Our signature 3D gait analysis is a 2-hour appointment with a doctor of physical therapy who has advanced training in running biomechanics.

During your session the PT will take time to discuss your running history, data, current training, pains or concerns, and your specific running goals. We have the most advanced running analysis equipment in San Diego which uses 3D motion sensors, a specialized pressure-sensitive treadmill, 2 high speed cameras, and muscle EMG so that we are able to capture every detail of your running form and stride. This allows us to find the root cause of your issue and highlight areas where you can gain efficiency and performance. Your PT will analyze the data with you at your session, provide a comprehensive movement evaluation, start treatment that day, and provide a specific action plan for your diagnosis, explain why your issue is happening, how long it will take to achieve your goal, and how many sessions will be necessary. You will also receive a voiced over video of your entire analysis so you can have that for your records.


Shockwave ePAT (extracorporeal pulse activation technology)

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that has been found to reduce pain and improve the healing process for tendon and soft-tissue injuries.

It uses repetitive high-pressure sound waves, not electricity, to stimulate the body to increase blood flow and heal injured tissues. Multiple studies have shown that shock wave can promote tissue healing and faster recovery from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, runner’s knee, patellar tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis and more. It is found to be most effective when applied on a weekly basis with the best results after 6 treatment sessions. Most clients experience pain reduction in the first few sessions and 70-100% pain reduction after a full course of treatment. This is perfect for people who want a natural treatment of their pain without injection or surgery. There is some discomfort associated with treatment. Your PT will work with you based upon your tolerance level.